GDC 2011 AI Summit で面白そうな講演

GDC 2011 AI Summit での面白そうな講演を少しピックアップします.

  • AI Navigation: It's Not a Solved Problem - Yet
    • James Anhalt (Blizzard Entertainment), Alexander Kring (Nihilistic) and Nathan Sturtevant (University of Denver)
    • Every so often, we hear the question asking whether pathfinding in games is a solved problem, and yet there is a continuous stream of new techniques to help improve it or address a particularly knotty problem. This session will demonstrate and explain some new techniques used in three different games. These include how STARCRAFT 2 handled massive numbers of simultaneous units (think hundreds of zerglings), how DRAGON'S AGE: ORIGINS gained increased navigation efficiency by abstracting their paths, and the myriad benefits that hierarchical navmeshes provided in the upcoming PS3 title, HEROES ON THE MOVE.
  • Flirting with the Dark Side: Scripting and AI
    • Damian Isla (Moonshot Games) and Mike Lewis (EGOSOFT)
    • According to the conventional wisdom, scripting is not real AIit's faked, and fragile and contrary to the fundamental goals of real AI. This session will refute this conventional wisdom, and explode the false dichotomy between rich and dynamic AI versus static and fragile scripting. Additionally, the session will present tools and guidelines for building powerful and effective scripting systems to enable designers and programmers alike to craft highly engaging game characters and immersive gameplay experiences.

少しどうでもいい話ですが, 僕の最近の仕事はグラフィクス関連のものが多いのですが, 元々はゴール指向型のプランニングの研究をしておりました.