
Experiment of Instant Radiosity by OpenGL + GLSL

I have tried to implement Instant Radiosity by OpenGL + GLSL.Instant Radiosity を OpenGL + GLSL で試しに実装してみました. Instant Radiosity http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Instant Radiosity…

Visualization of Photon Tracing by OpenGL (1)

I have modified the program so that the reflected photons take account of the lambert surface color.Photon がランバート面を反射した際に, 反射面の色を考慮するようにしました. 100,000 photons emitted.100,000 個の Photon を放射してみました. 1,…

Visualization of Photon Tracing by OpenGL (0)

I have wrote some Photon Mapping programs in past days. This time, I wrote a program which visualize the result of Photon tracing by OpenGL + GLSL.以前, Photon Mapping のプログラムを書いたことがありました. 今回, OpenGL + GLSL で Photon Tra…

Programming of Spherical Harmonics Lighting (1)

This time I have decoded the SH lighting parameters of Grace Cathedral by GLSL fragment shader, mapped the upper and lower hemisphere to the disk.今回は Grace Cathedral の SH のパラメータをデコードしたものについて, 上半球と下半球をそれぞれ…

Programming of Spherical Harmonics Lighting (0)

I wrote a fragment shader which decodes the Spherical Harmonics lighting parameters.Spherical Harmonics でエンコードされた全方向ライトのデコードをフラグメントシェーダでやってみました.In the implementation, I used the SH parameters of Grace…