
Partial summary of the real-time global illumination


Reference http://www.crytek.com/download/2010-I3D_CLPV.ppt

Using photogrammetry for creating game assets by The Astronauts

http://www.edge-online.com/news/lens-flair-the-astronauts-on-why-photogrammetry-could-revolutionise-game-making-for-small-teams/ The game studio named "The Astronauts" uses Agisoft PhotoScan to create textured 3d models.

"Everything has Fresnel" T-Shirt @ V-Ray



Some articles by Aras Pranckevičius @ Unity

Theory for Forward Rendering http://aras-p.info/blog/2012/03/02/2012-theory-for-forward-rendering/ Tiled Forward Shading Links http://aras-p.info/blog/2012/03/27/tiled-forward-shading-links/ Rough Sorting by Depth http://aras-p.info/blog/2…

"Game art tricks"

http://simonschreibt.de/game-art-tricks/ Memo in japanese ゲームで使われているグラフィックステクニックの解説記事が沢山あります.

"Physically Based Specular for Artists" by John Hable

http://www.filmicworlds.com/2014/02/24/physically-based-specular-for-artists/ Memo in Japanese John Hable 氏によるデザイナーさん向けの物理ベースなスペキュラシェーディングに関する説明です.

"Tiled Light Culling" at Graphics Rants

http://graphicrants.blogspot.jp/2012/04/tiled-light-culling.html Memo in Japanese Epic Games の Brian Karis さんによるタイルド・ライトカリングの記事です.

Some links of Point or Surfel based global illumination

"Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting" http://http.download.nvidia.com/developer/GPU_Gems_2/GPU_Gems2_ch14.pdf "Point-based Global Illumination for Film Production" (Christensen) SIGGRAPH 2010 slides : http://cgg.mff.cuni.cz/~ja…

Link collections of LOD

LOD techiques "Populating a Massive Game World" Emil Persson and Joel de Vahl Avalanche Studios. SIGGRAPH 2013 "Assassins Creed 3 – LoD Blending" "Automated Level of Detail Generation for HALO:REACH". Xi Wang. GDC 2011 "Level of detail @ W…

About Ubisoft subsidiaries (In Japanese: Ubisoft 傘下の会社)

概要 (In Japanese) Ubisoft の傘下の会社について調べてみました. 特に気になった会社を下に列挙しました. 参考 URL : https://www.ubisoftgroup.com/en-US/about_ubisoft/world_presence/world_presence.aspx Ubisoft Massive(スウェーデン) 開発中 : Tom …

"Realtime Eye texture raytracer demo" by Artur Vill

Realtime demo at browser : http://vill.ee/eye/

D3D11 HLSL Routines for Manual Pack/Unpack of 32-bit DXGI_FORMAT_*

D3D11 HLSL Routines for Manual Pack/Unpack of 32-bit DXGI_FORMAT_* http://lunaproject.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/dxsdk/Include/D3DX_DXGIFormatConvert.inl [DX11] Compute shader "race condition" error when using optimization level 2 or 3 @ Gam…

Link collection of Unreal Engine 4 videos

Inside Unreal Tech demo

Face animation demo by John Hable

Link http://www.filmicworlds.com/2014/02/17/facial-animation-demo/ (In Japanese) : http://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20140322020/ 概要(In Japanese) 元 Naughty Dog で Filmic トーンマッピングをやっていた John Hable 氏による顔アニメーシ…

”Eye Piece” by Chris Jones

Videos of SteamDevDays


I3D2014 "Deep Screen Space" Oliver Nalbach, Tobias Ritschel, Hans-Peter Seidel


Some links of motion blur in games

"CryENGINE 3 Graphic Gems" SIGGRAPH 2013 http://www.crytek.com/download/Sousa_Graphics_Gems_CryENGINE3.pdf "Stupid OpenGL Shader Tricks" Simon Green. GDC 2003 http://plaza.ufl.edu/sakib/docs/GDC2003_OpenGLShaderTricks.pdf CEDEC2006 次世代…

Some links of OIT(Order Independent Transparency)

Intel "Adaptive Order Independent Transparency: A Fast and Practical Approach to Rendering Transparent Geometry" @ Intel 2013 http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2013/07/18/order-independent-transparency-approximation-with-pixel-synchron…

"Basic Theory of Physically-Based Rendering" By Jeff Russell


The technology of Killzone Shadow Fall at EuroGamer.net


InterlockedCompareExchange() in HLSL

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff471479(v=vs.85).aspx void InterlockedCompareExchange( in UINT dest, in UINT compare_value, in UINT value, out UINT original_value ); // pseudocode original_value = image[ dest ]; if…

NV_shader_buffer_store extension for OpenGL


AtomicAdd emulation on 32bit floating point data type using compare-and-swap operation in GLSL

"PDF of Sparse Voxelixation at OpenGL Insights"

First paper (?) of using light probes for realtime rendering

Link : "Real-Time Global Illumination on GPU" Mangesh Nijasure, Sumanta Pattanaik U., Vineet Goel, 2005 説明(In Japanese) ライトプローブをキューブマップから作って, 間接光として利用する最初(?)の論文です.

Some GPU ray tracers

"GPU ray tracer at NVidia's website" 説明(In Japanese) NVidia のweb サイトに GPU ray tracer の一覧があったので, その紹介です. NVidia Optix, Arion, FurryBall, Lightworks, Octane, V-Ray あたりがサポートしているようです. 参考文献 The State of…

Triangle mesh voxelization test using GPU


説明 (In Japanese) GPU を使って三角形メッシュをボクセル化するテストプログラムを自宅で書いてみました. 下は Sponza の内部です. 下図は Sponza を外から見たものです. 手法としては "OpenGL Insight のボクセル化の記事に載っていた方法で三角形メッシ…

"Terminators and Iron Men: Image-Based Lighting and Physical Shading at ILM (Ben Snow)" SIGGRAPH 2010

"Terminators and Iron Men: Image-Based Lighting and Physical Shading at ILM (Ben Snow)" SIGGRAPH 2010 slides notes

Octane : The world's first GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer

"Octane Render" is the world's first GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer.

"Real-time Realistic Rendering and Lighting of Forests" by Eric Bruneton

Links paper WebSite