
About "Precomputed Local Radiance Transfer for Real-Time Lighting Design"

The paper "Precomputed Local Radiance Transfer for Real-Time Lighting Design" extends precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) for distance lighting to local lighting.This is done by following steps. 0. Dense uniform sampling of light sources i…

Algorithms of Vector Quantization

Vector Quantization (VQ) is used to compress the input vectors to a small number of vectors by using some kind of algorithms.These are some basic algorithms for doing it. K-Means [0] Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) Algorithm[1][2] Pairwise Nearest N…

Good figures of diffuse PRT

Reference http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/j.kautz/PRTCourse/Diffuse.pdf http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/j.kautz/PRTCourse/

Digital photo editing test2

I took these photos and did some digital photo editing by Adobe LightRoom.

Digital photo editing test1

I took these photos and did some digital photo editing by Adobe LightRoom.

Digital photo editing test0

I took these photos and did some digital photo editing by Adobe LightRoom.

SSAO test with Direct3D11

I tried to implement SSAO with Direct3D11. These result looks like a depth based edge detection.

Visualization of linear depth

If you write some screen-space shaders, often you have to get the position in world space or position in view space. And they are reconstructed from the depth buffer in most cases.They are many ways to do it, and this good article explain …

Visualization of bent normals

I have visualized bent normal.Bent normal is an average unblocked direction. It can be calculated when computing ambient occlusion. To visualize it, I have normalized them. This picture visualizes the original vertex normal. And this pictu…

Book : ”Heuristic Search: Theory and Applications”


Displaying ambient occlusion and soft shadow at Direct3D11

I wrote a test program to calculate world space ambient occlusion and shadow using Direct3D11. It calculates per-vertex world space ambient occlusion and soft shadow at runtime by CPU, and send the results to the GPU through UnorderedAcces…

Source Filmmaker

Valve released the "Source Filmmaker". I guess that we can make some simple demo movies with Source Engine by using this tool. And we can modify the scene settings interactively. Here are some screenshots.All graphics options enabled ( DOF…

Visualization of spherical harmonics (1)

The picture below show the first 9 SH bands (l=0,1,..,9).The green areas are the positive value areas, and the red areas are the negative value areas. Next picture show the result of decoding 2 SH bands.Left one : St. Peters Basilica Middl…

Unreal Engine 4 demo

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OZmRt8gCsC0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOvfn1p92_8&feature=player_embedded The features of the Unreal Engine4 Lighting Realtime dynamic global illumination ( Real-time GI using vox…

Visualization of spherical harmonics (0)

I have wrote some codes to visualize SH.The pictures below show the first 2 SH bands (l=0,1,2). The red areas are the positive value areas, and the blue areas are the negative value areas. Front view Back view Reference "A Gentle Introduct…

Dx11 spherical harmonics decoding ( 15 ALU )

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dx11SH.hlsl ( hanecci 2012/05/30 ) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VS_INPUT {…

Drawing tone map curve in processing

Reference http://filmicgames.com/archives/75


MSAA http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd756748(v=vs.85).aspx FXAA http://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/gamedev/files/sdk/11/FXAA_WhitePaper.pdf SMAA http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/

Developer Program for PlayStation Suite (Open Beta)


CryEngine 3 Free SDK


Unreal Engine 3 supports Flash 11

http://www.unrealengine.com/flash/Flash 11.2 をインストールすれば, ブラウザ上で Epic Catedral のデモがリアルタイムで動作します. Flash 11 に搭載された GPU で 2D/3D 描画を行うための API "Stage 3D" を使っているらしいです.

Links of free model data


Playing with ”designing shader programs”(dgsl) in Visual Studi

I modifed my shader tree by "designing shader programs"(dgsl) to use normal map and specular mask. Here are some screenshots of them. Final output Diffuse lighting using normal map. Specular lighting using specular mask. Overview of this d…

About Z-Buffer related graphics techniques

Z バッファ関連の技術について日本語で簡単に説明しようと思います. References ATI Radeon HyperZ Technology. Steve Morein http://www.graphicshardware.org/previous/www_2000/presentations/ATIHot3D.pdf Depth In-depth. Emil Persson http://develope…

Playing with "designing shader programs"(dgsl) in Visual Studio 11 beta (0)

MSDN dgsl Reference MSDN Working with Shader ( In English ) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh315733(v=vs.110).aspx MSDN dgsl ( In Japanese ) http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/hh315733(v=vs.110).aspx I have made a simple bump…

HLSL shader assembly reference

HLSL Shader model 5 assembly http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh447232(v=vs.85).aspx HLSL Shader model 4 assembly http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb943998(v=vs.85).aspx

Light Prepass test in Direct3D11 (2)

I have implemented light prepass in Direct3D11. Here are some screenshots. Light Pre-pass test in D3D11 Diffuse light component in Light buffer Specular light component in Light buffer Normal component of G-Buffer And I have pasted the D3D…

Light Prepass test in Direct3D11 (1)

I have modified my program to use diffuse albedo texture when I do light prepass in Direct3D11. I have not added the specular lighting terms at current.Next, I will add specular lighting to this test program

About PGI CUDA x86

http://www.pgroup.com/resources/cuda-x86.htm http://www.softek.co.jp/SPG/Pgi/Accel/ It uses OpenMP internally and generate one thread per block when it complies CUDA C with optimized mode. Optimized mode One thread per block Non-Optimized …

Light Prepass test in Direct3D11 (0)

Some figures of visualization of the light buffer.