
Unity live demo at browser

You can drag the objects through the web browser and the lighting and physics reaction are updated in realtime.ブラウザ上での Unity のデモで, ブラウザから物体をドラッグすると, ライティング結果や剛体の計算がリアルタイムに行われて反映されま…

Deferred shading at Direct3D11 (0)

I'm currently writing a test program for deferred shading at Direct3D11. Direct3D11 で GBuffer を生成して, Deferred shading を行うテストプログラムを作成中です. Debug draw of normal buffer in world coordinate. ワールド座標系の法線を書き込ん…

NVIDIA releases source codes of CUDA Compiler


Using LLVM for GPU

PLANG: PTX Frontend for LLVM http://llvm.org/devmtg/2009-10/Grover_PLANG.pdf OpenCL with LLVM http://llvm.org/devmtg/2009-10/OpenCLWithLLVM.pdf LLVM for OpenGL http://llvm.org/devmtg/2007-05/10-Lattner-OpenGL.pdf

LLVM language reference


Direct3D 11.1 Features


Creating structured buffer in D3D11

template <class T> HRESULT CreateStructuredBuffer( ID3D11Device* pd3dDevice, const UINT iNumElements, const bool isCpuWritable, const bool isGpuWritable, ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer, ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppSRV, ID3D11UnorderedAccessView** ppUAV, </class>…

PDDL related links

About PDDL ( In japanese ) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hanecci/20100220/1266681999 PDDL papers http://ipc.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/PddlResources PDDL books Understanding Planning Tasks: Domain Complexity and Heuristic Decomposition. Malte Helm…

Source code of Doom3


Accelerator : high-level data parallel library using parallel processors

It seems that Microsoft Accelerator is a parallel library for generating native codes which work on heterogeneous multi cores in .NET programming languages.http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/accelerator/

CEDEC 2011 の発表資料の入手について

Cedil ( CEDEC Digtial Library ) で, CEDEC 2011 の発表資料が入手できるようになっていました.http://cedil.cesa.or.jp/search

About "partitioning method" in Hull Shader entry point

土日に "Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11", Jason Zink, Matt Pettineo, Jack Hoxley. を少しずつ読んでいます.この本では Tessellation 関係の説明がそこそこされているのが良いです.今回, Hull shader のエントリポイントで指定する…

Simple way to write a custom build rules for HLSL at Visual Studio

This article explains how to add a custom build rule for HLSL at Visual Studio in a simple way. At first, you should add fxc.exe directory path to the PATH environment variable. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Util…

Shader source codes for Mobile platforms in Unreal Development Kit

If you have installed UDK in your PC, you can find the shader source codes for Mobile platforms at the following directory. C:\UDK\UDK-2011-08\Engine\Shaders\Mobile\*.msf

Valve Source SDK Tutorial videos


Experiment of Instant Radiosity by OpenGL + GLSL

I have tried to implement Instant Radiosity by OpenGL + GLSL.Instant Radiosity を OpenGL + GLSL で試しに実装してみました. Instant Radiosity http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Instant Radiosity…

Visualization of Photon Tracing by OpenGL (1)

I have modified the program so that the reflected photons take account of the lambert surface color.Photon がランバート面を反射した際に, 反射面の色を考慮するようにしました. 100,000 photons emitted.100,000 個の Photon を放射してみました. 1,…

Visualization of Photon Tracing by OpenGL (0)

I have wrote some Photon Mapping programs in past days. This time, I wrote a program which visualize the result of Photon tracing by OpenGL + GLSL.以前, Photon Mapping のプログラムを書いたことがありました. 今回, OpenGL + GLSL で Photon Tra…

Programming of Spherical Harmonics Lighting (1)

This time I have decoded the SH lighting parameters of Grace Cathedral by GLSL fragment shader, mapped the upper and lower hemisphere to the disk.今回は Grace Cathedral の SH のパラメータをデコードしたものについて, 上半球と下半球をそれぞれ…

Programming of Spherical Harmonics Lighting (0)

I wrote a fragment shader which decodes the Spherical Harmonics lighting parameters.Spherical Harmonics でエンコードされた全方向ライトのデコードをフラグメントシェーダでやってみました.In the implementation, I used the SH parameters of Grace…

PN triangles tessellation at DirectX11 with deer model

I have implemented PN Triangles at DirectX11 before.前回, PN Triangles を DirectX11 で実装しました.http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hanecci/20110703/1309699252 This time, I have applied it against a deer model ( vertex 855, triangles 1208 ). Vertex p…

Implementing PN triangles tessellation at DirectX11 ( DirectX11 での PN Triangles Tessellation の実装 )

I have implemented PN Triangles at DirectX11 using Thinkpad W520.DirectX11 対応の Thikpad W520 を使い, DirectX11 で PN Triangles による Tessellation を実装してみました. White paper of Curved PN Triangles http://alex.vlachos.com/graphics/Cu…

Implementing Phong tessellation at DirectX11 ( DirectX11 での PhongTessellation の実装 )

At 20101016, I implemented a very simple Phong Tessellation using Geometry Shader.去年, 単純な Phong Tessellation をジオメトリシェーダで実装してみました.GeometryShader で, Phong Tessellation を実装してみました - OLD hanecci’s blog : 旧 は…

Kinect for Windows SDK Beta demo

I have installed Kinect for Windows SDK Beta and executed the demo for it.Kinect for Windows SDK Beta をインストールして付属のデモを試してみました. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/kinectsdk/default.aspxIts install s…

Book "Coders at Work"

和書 "Coders at Work プログラミングの技をめぐる探求" Peter Seibel, 青木靖 を少し読んでみたのですが, 優れたプログラマに対するインタビュー集みたいな感じでとても面白いです.I have read the book "Coders at Work" for a little. This book is very …

Thinkpad W520 can run DX11 Island Demo

Thinkpad W520 が届きました. サイズは Thinkpad T520 と変わらないのですが, 画面解像度は 1920 * 1080 です. また GPU が Quadro FX 1000 なので, DirectX11 のデモがハードウェアレベルで動きます.例えば, Hardeware Tessellation を使っている DirectX11…

Articles about the inner workings of Java technology by Bill Venners

http://www.artima.com/underthehood/index.html Bill Venners wrote the book titled "Inside the Java Virtual Machine".

Ray tracing by CPU multi-threading and GPU

I wrote a program which does ray tracing by CPU multi-threading and GPGPU. For GPGPU programming, I used NVidia CUDA C. Here are some results. Spec CPU : Intel Core i7 CPU GPU : Quadro FX 580 ( 32 CUDA cores ) Ray tracing buffer size : 102…

Running Rietveld at Ubuntu 11.04

Rietveld を Ubuntu 11.04 で動かしてみたので, 手順を書いておきます. スクリーンショットはこんな感じです.I will write how to run Rietveld at Ubuntu 11.04 below. Here is a screenshot of it.0. Get zlib 1.2.5 // Build as shared library $ ./confi…

Books of Virtual Machine

ゴールデンウィーク中なので, 一人で気ままに本を読んでいます. 仮想マシン関連の書籍をピックアップします.During my golden week, I'm reading books. ( I'm a loner. ) I will pick up some books related with virtual machines. "Virtual Machines". Ia…