
"Terminators and Iron Men: Image-Based Lighting and Physical Shading at ILM (Ben Snow)" SIGGRAPH 2010

"Terminators and Iron Men: Image-Based Lighting and Physical Shading at ILM (Ben Snow)" SIGGRAPH 2010 slides notes

Octane : The world's first GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer

"Octane Render" is the world's first GPU based, un-biased, physically based renderer.

"Real-time Realistic Rendering and Lighting of Forests" by Eric Bruneton

Links paper WebSite

Memo of GPU ray tracing using BrickMaps by Matt Swoboda (In Japanese:BrickMap による GPU レイトレーシング)

概要 This article is fully written in Japanese. GPU で BrickMap のデータ構造を使ってレイトレーシングするデモの技術説明の記事を読んだので, そのメモです. 参考文献 "real time ray tracing" 記事1 "real time ray tracing" 記事2 要約 上のデモ動画…