Relief Mapping (ピクセルシェーダによる単純なレイトレーシング)

数年前, 学生の頃にOpenGL2.0とNVidia Cgで実装したRelief Mappingの画像です.


  • ピクセルシェーダで単純なレイトレーシングを行って, ポリゴン上に幾何形状をリアルタイムに描画します.
  • 今回のリリーフマッピング用に使用したテクスチャデータは ディフューズアルベドテクスチャ(RGB), 法線マップテクスチャ(RGB), ハイトマップテクスチャ(R)です.

  • 実装の際に参考にした記事は, ShaderX4の"Rendering Surface Detials in Games with Relief Mapping Using a Minimally Invasive Approach"です.


// 頂点シェーダ (NVidia Cg)
struct VertexInput
       float4 position : POSITION;
       float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
 struct VertexOutput
       float4 position : POSITION;
       float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
       float3 object_position : TEXCOORD1;
       float4 color : COLOR;
 VertexOutput main(VertexInput vertex_input,
                 uniform float4 color)
       VertexOutput vertex_output;
       // position
       vertex_output.position = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, vertex_input.position);
       // object_position
       vertex_output.object_position =;
       // texcoord
       vertex_output.texcoord = vertex_input.texcoord;
       return vertex_output;
フラグメントシェーダ (NVidia Cg)
struct FragmentInput
       float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
       float3 object_position : TEXCOORD1;
       float4 color : COLOR;
 struct FragmentOutput
       float4 color : COLOR;
 void rayIntersectLinear(sampler2D relief_texture, inout float3 tex_vec,
                         inout float3 eye_vec)
       eye_vec /= RELIEF_LINEAR_SEARCH_STEP;
       for (int i = 0; i < RELIEF_LINEAR_SEARCH_STEP - 1; i++)
               float4 relief_vec4 = tex2D(relief_texture, tex_vec.xy);
               if ( tex_vec.z < relief_vec4.w)
                       tex_vec += eye_vec;
 void rayIntersectBinary(sampler2D relief_texture,
                         inout float3 tex_vec, inout float3 eye_vec)
       for (int i = 0; i < RELIEF_BINARY_SEARCH_STEP; i++)
               eye_vec *= 0.5;
               float4 relief_vec4 = tex2D(relief_texture, tex_vec.xy);
               if ( tex_vec.z < relief_vec4.w)
                       tex_vec += 2 * eye_vec;
               tex_vec -= eye_vec;
 FragmentOutput main(FragmentInput fragment_input,
                   uniform float3 eye_position,
                   uniform float3 tbn_tangent,
                   uniform float3 tbn_binormal,
                   uniform float3 tbn_normal,
                   uniform float object_x_unit,
                   uniform float object_y_unit,
                   uniform float relief_depth,
                   uniform float tile_scale,
                   uniform float use_texture,
                   uniform sampler2D texture,
                   uniform float use_relief_texture,
                   uniform sampler2D relief_texture)
       FragmentOutput fragment_output;
       fragment_output.color = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
       float3 object_position_eye_vec = fragment_input.object_position - eye_position;
       float3 n_object_position_eye_vec = normalize(object_position_eye_vec);
       float cos_z_object_position_eye = dot(- n_object_position_eye_vec, tbn_normal);
       // eye_vec in TBN space
       float3 n_eye_tbn_vec = normalize( float3( dot(n_object_position_eye_vec, tbn_tangent),
                                                 dot(n_object_position_eye_vec, tbn_binormal),
                                                 cos_z_object_position_eye) );
       // scale depth
       float3 scale = float3(object_x_unit, object_y_unit, relief_depth) / tile_scale;
       n_eye_tbn_vec *= scale.z / (scale * n_eye_tbn_vec.z);

       // search tex_vec by raycast
       float3 tex_vec = float3(fragment_input.texcoord * tile_scale, 0);
       rayIntersectLinear(relief_texture, tex_vec, n_eye_tbn_vec);
       rayIntersectBinary(relief_texture, tex_vec, n_eye_tbn_vec);
       // expand normal to object_space
       float3 object_normal = tex2D(relief_texture, tex_vec.xy).xyz - 0.5;
       object_normal = normalize(object_normal.x * +
                                 object_normal.y * +
                                 object_normal.z *;
       float3 new_object_position = fragment_input.object_position +
                                       n_object_position_eye_vec * tex_vec.z * relief_depth / cos_z_object_position_eye;
       // color
       fragment_output.color = tex2D(texture, tex_vec.xy);
       // diffuse, specular
       float4 diffuse_sum = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
       float4 specular_sum = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
       for (int i = 0; i < LIGHT_NUM; i++)
               float4 tmp_diffuse;
               float4 tmp_specular;
               computeLight(glstate.light[i].position, glstate.light[i].diffuse,
                    new_object_position, object_normal, eye_position,
                    tmp_diffuse, tmp_specular);
               diffuse_sum += tmp_diffuse;
               specular_sum += tmp_specular;
               diffuse_sum = saturate(diffuse_sum);
               specular_sum = saturate(specular_sum);
       fragment_output.color *= (diffuse_sum + specular_sum);
       return fragment_output;