Link collection of interactive global illumination
- "Real-Time Global Illumination" SIGGRAPH 2009 Course
- "Global Illumination Across Industries" SIGGRAPH 2010 Course
- "State of the Art: Interactive Global Illumination" SIGGRAPH 2011. Chris Wyman
- "Rethinking Game Lighting Pipelines" Sam Martin. Geometrics. GameFest2011.
- "The State of the Art in Interactive Global Illumination"
- "CS 563 Spring Semester, 2012 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics"
- "GPUGI: Global Illumination E®ects on the GPU"
Major techniques
Reflective Shadow Maps
- "Reflective Shadow Maps"
- "Splatting Indirect Illumination"
- "Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination"
- "Fast, Stencil-Based Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination". Chris Wyman, Greg Nichols, Jeremy Shopf. GPU Pro. 2009.
- "Optimizing Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods" eal-time many-light rendering (Dachsbacher). SIGGRAPH 2012 Course
- "Instant Radiosity : An Approach for Real-Time Global Illumination"
- "Screen-Space Bias Compensation for Interactive High-Quality Global Illumination with Virtual Point Lights" Jan Novak Thomas Engelhardt Carsten Dachsbacher
- "Slides for dynamic global illumination" by Confetti
- "Hierarchical Image-Space Radiosity for Interactive Global Illumination" Greg Nichols, Jeremy Shopf, Chris Wyman
Light Propagation Volumes
- "Light Propagation Volumes in CryEngine 3"
- "Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes for Real-Time Indirect Illumination"
- "Advanced Computer Graphics CS 563: VPL based Real‐Time GI Algorithm Light Propagation Volumes" Xin Wang
- "Octree Light propagation volumes"
- Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination in Image Space
- "Screen-Space Directional Occlusion" Thorsten Grosh and Tobias Ritschel. GPU Pro.
Screen Space Local Reflection
- "Secrets of CryENGINE 3 Graphics Technology" SIGGRAPH 2010.
- "CryENGINE 3: Three Years of Work in Review". GPU Pro 3.
- "How CryENGINE 3 and AMD GCN Architecture Gave Birth to a Red Gem: “Project Phoenix” (Bill Bilodeau, Kedhrin Gonzalez, Sean Tracy, Dongsoo Han)"
- "Killzone: Shadow Fall Demo Postmortem"
- "Lighting of Killzone: Shadow Fall"
- " Hi-Z Screen-Space Cone-Traced Reflections" Yasin Uludag. EA DICE. GPU Pro5.
- RYSE - The Transition to Physically Based Shading
- Reflections Example in UE4
- Candela SSRR Advanced Screen Space Reflections for Unity
Enlighten by Geometrics
- Geometrics
- "A RealTime Radiosity Architecture for Video Games" Sam Martin, Per Einarsson. SIGGRAPH 2010
- "Enlighten Reseasrch past, present future" Sam Martin. London Graphics Seminar 2011.
- "Lighting you up in Battlefield 3" Kenny Magnusson. GDC 2011