Link collection of visibility culling in games
In games
- "Culling the BattleField" GDC 2011
- "The Rendering Tools And Techniques Of Splinter Cell: Conviction" GDC 2011. Stephen Hill
- "The Technology of Uncharted Drake's Fortune Naughty Dog" GDC 2008
- Umbra 3 videos
- "Powering up Destiny's Level Creation and Rendering with Umbra 3" GDC 2013
- "Game Worlds from Polygon Soup: Visibility, Spatial Connectivity and Rendering" SIGGRAPH 2011
- "Visibility Optimization for Games" 2011
- "Next Generation Occlusion Culling" Gamasutra
- "Occlusion Culling at Unity Pro"
- "Why Render Hidden Objects? Cull Them With a Software Depth-Buffer Rasterizer!" Intel. GDC2013