
"Experimenting with procedural building facades" by Cedric

https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/BwXpPBcIAAE3Qpz.mp4 Japanese memo プロシージャルで生成する建物の実験の動画です.

Art of "Growing Up" - Adventure/Puzzle Side Scroller


https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?23054-Growing-Up-Adventure-Puzzle-Side-Scroller&p=130505&viewfull=1#post130505 Growing Up - Portals 01 from Adrian Lazar on Vimeo.

How to walk through walls using the 4th Dimension "Miegakure"

DirectX11 Cheat Sheet

http://asawicki.info/news_1577_directx_11_cheatsheet.html Japanese memo 下のものをまとめた pdf です. D3D11 の enum D3D11 の構造体 HLSL の入出力のセマンティクス fxc.exe へのパラメータ

If programming languages were weapons

http://bjorn.tipling.com/if-programming-languages-were-weapons Japanese memo もしプログラミング言語が武器だったら? の喩えです. C++ はヌンチャク, Perl は使い切りの火炎瓶, Lisp はジャックナイフ.