SIGGRAPH 2012 の Disney の物理ベースシェーダの BRDF Explorer 向けのソースコード





# Copyright Disney Enterprises, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License
# and the following modification to it: Section 6 Trademarks.
# deleted and replaced with:
# 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at

# variables go here...
# [type] [name] [min val] [max val] [default val]
::begin parameters
color baseColor .82 .67 .16
float metallic 0 1 0
float subsurface 0 1 0
float specular 0 1 .5
float roughness 0 1 .5
float specularTint 0 1 0
float anisotropic 0 1 0
float sheen 0 1 0
float sheenTint 0 1 .5
float clearcoat 0 1 0
float clearcoatGloss 0 1 1
::end parameters

::begin shader

const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

float sqr(float x) { return x*x; }

float SchlickFresnel(float u)
    float m = clamp(1-u, 0, 1);
    float m2 = m*m;
    return m2*m2*m; // pow(m,5)

float GTR1(float NdotH, float a)
    if (a >= 1) return 1/PI;
    float a2 = a*a;
    float t = 1 + (a2-1)*NdotH*NdotH;
    return (a2-1) / (PI*log(a2)*t);

float GTR2(float NdotH, float a)
    float a2 = a*a;
    float t = 1 + (a2-1)*NdotH*NdotH;
    return a2 / (PI * t*t);

float GTR2_aniso(float NdotH, float HdotX, float HdotY, float ax, float ay)
    return 1 / ( PI * ax*ay * sqr( sqr(HdotX/ax) + sqr(HdotY/ay) + NdotH*NdotH ));

float smithG_GGX(float Ndotv, float alphaG)
    float a = alphaG*alphaG;
    float b = Ndotv*Ndotv;
    return 1/(Ndotv + sqrt(a + b - a*b));

vec3 mon2lin(vec3 x)
    return vec3(pow(x[0], 2.2), pow(x[1], 2.2), pow(x[2], 2.2));

vec3 BRDF( vec3 L, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 X, vec3 Y )
    float NdotL = dot(N,L);
    float NdotV = dot(N,V);
    if (NdotL < 0 || NdotV < 0) return vec3(0);

    vec3 H = normalize(L+V);
    float NdotH = dot(N,H);
    float LdotH = dot(L,H);

    vec3 Cdlin = mon2lin(baseColor);
    float Cdlum = .3*Cdlin[0] + .6*Cdlin[1]  + .1*Cdlin[2]; // luminance approx.

    vec3 Ctint = Cdlum > 0 ? Cdlin/Cdlum : vec3(1); // normalize lum. to isolate hue+sat
    vec3 Cspec0 = mix(specular*.08*mix(vec3(1), Ctint, specularTint), Cdlin, metallic);
    vec3 Csheen = mix(vec3(1), Ctint, sheenTint);

    // Diffuse fresnel - go from 1 at normal incidence to .5 at grazing
    // and mix in diffuse retro-reflection based on roughness
    float FL = SchlickFresnel(NdotL), FV = SchlickFresnel(NdotV);
    float Fd90 = 0.5 + 2 * LdotH*LdotH * roughness;
    float Fd = mix(1, Fd90, FL) * mix(1, Fd90, FV);

    // Based on Hanrahan-Krueger brdf approximation of isotropic bssrdf
    // 1.25 scale is used to (roughly) preserve albedo
    // Fss90 used to "flatten" retroreflection based on roughness
    float Fss90 = LdotH*LdotH*roughness;
    float Fss = mix(1, Fss90, FL) * mix(1, Fss90, FV);
    float ss = 1.25 * (Fss * (1 / (NdotL + NdotV) - .5) + .5);

    // specular
    float aspect = sqrt(1-anisotropic*.9);
    float ax = max(.001, sqr(roughness)/aspect);
    float ay = max(.001, sqr(roughness)*aspect);
    float Ds = GTR2_aniso(NdotH, dot(H, X), dot(H, Y), ax, ay);
    float FH = SchlickFresnel(LdotH);
    vec3 Fs = mix(Cspec0, vec3(1), FH);
    float roughg = sqr(roughness*.5+.5);
    float Gs = smithG_GGX(NdotL, roughg) * smithG_GGX(NdotV, roughg);

    // sheen
    vec3 Fsheen = FH * sheen * Csheen;

    // clearcoat (ior = 1.5 -> F0 = 0.04)
    float Dr = GTR1(NdotH, mix(.1,.001,clearcoatGloss));
    float Fr = mix(.04, 1, FH);
    float Gr = smithG_GGX(NdotL, .25) * smithG_GGX(NdotV, .25);

    return ((1/PI) * mix(Fd, ss, subsurface)*Cdlin + Fsheen)
        * (1-metallic)
        + Gs*Fs*Ds + .25*clearcoat*Gr*Fr*Dr;

::end shader