How Uncharted 4’s artists created their amazing landscapes via @VentureBeat


  • For example, with respects to textures and materials, the previous games on the PS3 were limited to a total of 138MB of texture memory [VRAM] visible onscreen at one time Uncharted 4 which has a limit of 1.5GB.
  • Between the more complex PBR shader, light maps, environment maps, particles, sky domes, wrinkle maps,
  • etc. that vram got gobbled up fast which required us to come up with more sophisticated methods of texture streaming and material optimization.

LOD の話

  • Prior to Uncharted 4, we did not use as many level of detail [LOD] meshes to optimize geometry count.
  • In Uncharted 4 we used this almost everywhere — we had LODs almost on 60 percent of the assets in-game, which means the environmental team would have to support these assets in all aspects from modeling, collision, shadow proxies, and shaders.