
Dynamic Stackless Binary Tree Traversal


"Dynamic Stackless Binary Tree Traversal" http://jcgt.org/published/0002/01/03/

Agisoft PhotoScan でのモデル作成 (Generating textured models by Agisoft PhotoScan)

概要 以前に紹介した Agisoft PhotoScan (Generate textured 3d models from photo images) - OLD hanecci’s blog : 旧 はねっちブログ を使って, 写真から自動的にテクスチャが貼られた 3d モデルを作ってみました.

Link collection of Sky Visibility

"Sky visibility as 4 transfer basis directions" at FarCry3. GDC 2013 http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1015326/Deferred-Radiance-Transfer-Volumes-Global "The science of Spherical Harmonics at Weta Digital" Mike Seymour @ fxguide https://www.fxg…

Link collection of world-space top-down graphics techniques

"World LightMap" and "World AO" at Assassin's Creed 3. GDC 2013 http://cedil.cesa.or.jp/session/detail/1032 "Top down occlusion texture" at FarCry3. GDC 2013 http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1015326/Deferred-Radiance-Transfer-Volumes-Global "R…